LionHeartKIng Wiki
Alexander Anderson
Age 16
Gender Male
Status Alive
Likes comic books, old movies, music (specifically classic rock, Jazz, Hip Hop, and punk rock), video games… Show tunes (oddly enough)
Dislikes Being cheated, Lied too, elitism, egocentric narcissistic personality.
Deck Elemental Hero
Appears in Loy Academy

Basic Information:[]

  • Sexuality: Asexual
  • Height: 5'6
  • Race: Human


Nick is an extrovert kind of guy taking very few things seriously and preferring to be in the spotlight or at least on the cusp of it. Recklessly changing into something if he thinks it will get him noticed. However despite this unfavorable habit he does know what is right, he idolizes the heros in his comics and on tv wanting nothing more than to be looked at as a modern superhero. Combine that with his laid back attitude and sunny disposition and he has the makings to be a rookie hero straight out of the comic books (Rookie being the key word) ..... 9 times out of 10 the fights he picks ends with him either running, or face down on the ground....or shoved in a locker. He has one belief that he holds above all else it doesn’t matter the deck, or your back round just like a hero’s costume or power is meaningless… it’s how you use those abilities that matter. So his goal is to show the world that if he can become one of the best duelists around then anyone can be.


  • Dorm Level: Green
  • Dorm Number: 4


Alex is the youngest of two children in a struggling family; his older sister was a child prodigy, smart, athletic, popular, and a savant at everything she touched. Some days it felt like he had to compete with her in order to be noticed by his own family. He was always trying but never succeeding. In fact that unintentionally put him more in the background. Not to mention at school he and his friends were still picked on for being “nerds” and “geeks”. It was comic books he found solace. There, he found he could see the heros protect the weak and punish the bullies but most importantly he could see the heros be looked up to as a beloved symbol. And one day after his older sister gave him “Elemental HERO The Shining” from her deck he knew exactly how to get noticed. He was going to be a hero for people like him, the ones who are born with little to no chance. To be one of the best duelists around and become a beloved symbol. After all, every hero needs a good origin.



  • Elemental HERO

Ace Card(s):[]

  • Elemental HERO The Shining

Duel Spirits:[]

  • N/A

