LionHeartKIng Wiki

Extra Deck Traps is a counterpart of Hand trap, in which it's used to describe monsters that are activated from the Extra Deck with same exact  purpose of Hand Trap's. Monsters with Pendulum Effects only cannot gain an Extra Deck Trap ability if they are not Effect monsters.

The first Extra Deck Trap released was "Triple-Draguns of Gust Vine", wich it caused many complains from many players for the fact that being in the Extra Deck means uncounterable, tho it had several errata's , and eventually ended up with a Skinned Version which it lost its only Unique feature.

Currently, the only Extra Deck Trap ever remained is "Rorona - The Alchemist of Hope", which is currently Forbidden.

Later, The Pendulum card "Hutei, Jam of Evil Vine" gains the ability of being an Extra Deck Trap after leaving the field, with that, Future Extra Deck traps are Pendulum-Exclusive, and gain their Extra Deck Trap effects if they go to the Extra face-up beforehand.



Despite not being able to counter these cards with Normal Mesaures, (due to the fact that Extra Deck cards have the least Anti-Support), Extra Deck traps can be easily be countered, one of the ways are "Zaborg the Mega Monarch" , "Hand killing Magician" , and the regular Cards that negate the activations of monsters can counter this kind of cards.
