LionHeartKIng Wiki

A Dark Bind Rating is a property exclusive to Dark Bind Monsters, in place of a Level or Rank. Like a Link Monster's Link Rating, a Dark Bind Monster's Dark Bind Rating is located next to its ATK, in the space normally taken up by the DEF on most other Monster Card types. It is displayed simply as BIND.

Like the Link Rating, a Dark Bind Monster's Dark Bind Rating is equal to the number of Bind Arrows it has, and also the number of Dark Bind Materials needed for its Dark Bind Summon. Unlike Link Ratings, however, a Dark Bind Rating's value can be negative as well as positive; and rather than being used as a single material equal to its Number, a Dark Bind Rating often serves as the base number for when a player wishes to Summon Dark Bind Monsters of a greater positive/negative Rating.
